Charles Simonds - Dwellings

Picaresque Landscape (detail). Museum of Modern Art installation, 1976.
"Charles Simonds is an artist who has been making dwelling places for an imaginary civilization of Little People who are migrating through the streets of cities throughout the world. Each dwelling tells part of the story of the lives of these people, where they have gone, what they do, how they live, and what they believe. Usually passersby, often children, join in as Simonds works and he offers them clay bricks, and allows them to add to his dwelling or to make a fantasy dwelling of their own. In 2016 Simonds was invited by the Department of Arts and Culture of the city of Munich to propose a public artwork. ... Irving Sandler has followed Simonds’s work since the artist began creating dwellings in the streets of the Lower East Side of New York in the early 1970s. He was curious about the Munich project and interested to know how Simonds’s involvement with children relates to his conception of art-making generally. ..."
Brooklyn Rail: CHARLES SIMONDS with Irving Sandler
UbuWeb: Charles Simonds (b. 1945) - Dwellings (1972), Landscape <--> Body <--> Dwelling (1973), Dwellings Winter (1974) (Video)
Charles Simonds - Dwellings (Video)

Dwelling, Dublin, 1980.

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