How ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ became a full-circle moment for Stanley Kubrick

"He was hardly one for sentimentality or emotional attachment, but a regular collaborator of Stanley Kubrick at least appreciated how the final film of his career became a full-circle moment for the legendary director. Never one to do things by halves, even by his standards, Eyes Wide Shut evolved into a mammoth undertaking. Kubrick’s precision and meticulousness had been hallmarks for decades, but the lengths he went to to realise his vision for the existential psychodrama pushed his creative partners to the limit. Tom Cruise did at least view it as one of the most important and inspiring productions he’ll ever be lucky to be a part of, but it was taxing nonetheless. Cruise and then-wife Nicole Kidman dedicated years of their lives to the project for the sole purpose of working with Kubrick, and for better or worse, it’s an experience they’ll remember forever. ..."

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