Seamus Heaney Was a Reluctant Radical

"... (Seamus) Heaney went on to contribute to a literary anthology in support of the Irish antiwar movement at a time when Shannon Airport was in regular use by the US military, despite Ireland’s vaunted neutrality. 'I oppose this war with a mute passion, a pain of deep anxiety that cannot fiend coherent expression,' Brian Friel, the acclaimed dramatist, stated in his introduction to the volume, adding that there was 'something indeed' about the American aggression that 'offends the notion of what it is to be fully human.'  ... If the discernment was characteristic of Heaney, this was perhaps less true of the forthrightness and antagonistic tenor of his political positioning here. ... Beloved by several generations of readers for the human depth and fluent craftsmanship of his poems, Heaney also had a permanent seat at the court of power. ..."

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