Mockingjays on Morningside

"I was already thinking about Columbia University, where courageous students are calling out the college administration’s support for genocide in Gaza, when I heard Paul Auster had died of cancer at the age of 77 in his home in Brooklyn. Paul Auster was widely celebrated as a Brooklyn writer from the middle of his career to the end, and many of his later novels took place here. Well, bravo to a writer who can capture a sense of place, and bravo especially to a writer who can claim two separate places as his literary home base! I first read Paul Auster in the late 1980s when he had just published three brilliant postmodern pseudo-detective novels known as the New York Trilogy. These stories captured in vivid street-level detail the collegiate uptown neighborhood of Morningside Heights where Columbia and Barnard sit on a cliff overlooking the southern edge of Harlem. ..."

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