Watch One Heartbreaking Scene to Understand Gena Rowlands’s Genius

Gena Rowlands in “A Woman Under the Influence,” one of several collaborations with her husband John Cassavetes.

"Midway through 'A Woman Under the Influence' (1974) — one of a number of astonishing films starring Gena Rowlands, who died Wednesday, and directed by her husband John Cassavetes — the distance between you and what’s onscreen abruptly vanishes. It’s the kind of moment that true movie believers know and yearn for, that transporting instance when your world seems to melt away and you’re one with the film. It can be revelatory; at times, as with Rowlands’s performance here, it can also be excruciatingly, viscerally painful. Rowlands is playing Mabel, an exuberantly alive woman of great sensitivities whose husband, Nicky (Peter Falk), loves her deeply but doesn’t understand her. They’re home and he has just yelled at her in front of some colleagues, who’ve fled. ..."

2010 December: Shadows (1959), 2013 June: Minnie and Moskowitz,  2021 May: A Woman Under the Influence  (1974) , 2021 July: Gloria (1980)

Rowlands as the tough-as-nails title character in “Gloria.”

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