At a Russian Border Post, Scenes of Ruin After Ukraine’s Surprise Attack

The body of a dead Russian soldier lay in front of the destroyed Sudzha border control post in Russia on Monday. The body was recovered by the Ukrainian military and later placed in a body bag.

"All that remained of a Russian border post was a tableau of destruction: Sheet metal flapped in the wind, customs declarations fluttered about, and stray dogs roamed under a road-spanning sign that said, 'Russia.' Kicking up dust, Ukrainian armored vehicles rumbled past, unimpeded, as the flow of men and weaponry carried on in the biggest foreign incursion into Russia since World War II, an offensive now nearing the end of its first week since the breach of the border here in Sudzha and at several other sites. At the crossing point, a Ukrainian soldier posted on the roadside waved at the forces passing by, days after Russia’s head of the general staff declared that the attack had been rebuffed. At the border, the detritus of a losing battle — and signs of soldiers caught by surprise — were scattered about: bullet cartridges tinkled underfoot, discarded body armor lay on the asphalt. ..."

Ukrainian Army vehicles passing a sign reading, “Ukraine,” left, and “Russia,” right, on a road near the destroyed Russian border post at Sudzha.

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