Roberto Burle Marx

Walking on the roof garden of the Safra Bank in the Rua Consolaçao in Sao Paolo (1982)
Wikipedia - "Roberto Burle Marx (August 4, 1909 – June 4, 1994) was a Brazilian landscape architect (as well as a painter, print maker, ecologist, naturalist, artist and musician) whose designs of parks and gardens made him world famous. He is accredited with having introduced modernist landscape architecture to Brazil. He was known as a modern nature artist and a public urban space designer. His work had a great influence on tropical garden design in the 20th century. Water gardens were a popular theme in his work. He was deftly able to transfer traditional artistic expressions such as graphic design, tapestry and folk art into his landscape designs. He also designed fabrics, jewellery and stage sets. He was one of the first people to call for the conservation of Brazil's rainforests. More than 50 plants bear his name. He amassed a substantial collection of plants at his home, including more than 500 philodendrons. ..."
Roberto Burle Marx: Brazilian Modernist
NY Times: Revisiting the Constructed Edens of Roberto Burle Marx
NY Times: A Revolutionary Garden Designer Finally Gets a Retrospective (Slide)

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