GOWANUS! Brooklyn’s Troubled Waters

"Brooklyn’s Gowanus — both the creek and the canal — is one of the most mysterious and historically important waterways in New York City. By coincidence, it also happens to be among its most polluted, shrouded in frightening tales of dead animals (and a few unfortunate humans) floating along its canal shores. Its toxic mix is the stuff of urban legends (most of which are actually true). But this was once the land of delicious oysters. This was the site of an important Revolutionary War battle. This was part of the property of the man who later developed Park Slope. But, in current times, it ALSO happens to be one of New York City’s hottest neighborhoods for real estate development. How does a neighborhood go from a canal of deadly constitution to a Whole Foods, condos and shuffleboard courts? ..."
The Bowery Boys: New York City History
The Bowery Boys: New York City History - The history and future of Gowanus
Love that dirty water: The Gowanus Canal's Union Street Bridge
NYUpress - Gowanus: Brooklyn’s Curious Canal by Joseph Alexiou
Inside Lavender Lake, Our New Favorite Beer Garden
vimeo: Lavender Lake (short story) - Stephane Missier
NY Times: Brooklyn Artist in Troubled Water

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