Watch Stewart Brand’s 6-Part Series How Buildings Learn, With Music by Brian Eno

"Stewart Brand came onto the cultural scene during the 1960s, helping to stage the Acid Tests made famous by Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, and later launching the influential Whole Earth Catalog (something Steve Jobs described as 'Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along'). He also vigorously campaigned in 1966 to have NASA release a photograph showing the entirety of Earth from space — something we take for granted now, but fired humanity’s imagination back then. ... Above you can watch How Buildings Learn, Brand’s six-part BBC TV series from 1997, which comes complete with music by Brian Eno. Based on his illustrated book sharing the same titlethe TV series offers a critique of modernist approaches to architecture (think Buckminster Fuller, Frank Gehry, and Le Corbusier) and instead argues for 'an organic kind of building, based on four walls, which is easy to change and expand and grow as the ideal form of building.'”
Open Culture (Video)

2009 April: CoEvolution Quarterly, 2010 April: The Whole Earth Catalog, 2013 December: THE WHOLE EARTH: California and The Disappearance of The Outside, 2010 May: Ken Kesey, 2013 April: Sometimes a Great Notion - Ken Kesey (1964)

Rip Rig + Panic ‎– Bob Hope Takes Risks (1981)

"Most people'll tell you that Rip Rig + Panic were a noisier version of Pigbabg. Not that 'most people' have the slightest inkling who Pigbag actually were of course, let alone Rip Rig + Panic. RR+P stumbled stinking, blinking, scratching their heads & (I imagine) hitching up their britches, out of the mangled wreckage of The Pop Group sometime in 1981. Initially a loose knit experimental musical collective fronted by The Group's avant garde jazzbo Gareth Sager (with drummer Bruce Smith in tow), they released a succession of irreverent singles & albums on Virgin Records that seemed commercially unorthodox at the time &, even with 20-odd years hindsight, still sound singularly radical & anarchic. ..."
I Love Total Destruction
YouTube: Bob Hope Takes Risks, Hey Mr E! A Gran Grin With a Shake of Smile, Peel Session 1981 1. Symphony In Dave's Flat (0:07) 2. A Grand Grin And A Shaky Smile Please Mr Barman (5:11) 3. Pullover No Sox (10:09)

2010 December: Rip Rig and Panic, 2015 February: "You're My Kind of Climate" 12 inch mix

"It Hurts Me Too"

Wikipedia - "'It Hurts Me Too' is a blues standard that is 'one of the most interpreted blues [songs]'. First recorded in 1940 by American blues musician Tampa Red, the song is a mid-tempo eight-bar blues that features slide guitar. It borrows from earlier blues songs and has been recorded by many blues and other artists. 'It Hurts Me Too' is based on 'Things 'Bout Comin' My Way', recorded by Tampa Red in 1931 (OKeh 1637). The melody lines are nearly identical and instrumentally they are similar, although the latter has an extra bar in the turnaround, giving it nine bars. ... Several versions of 'It Hurts Me Too' were recorded in the 1940s and 1950s, including those by Stick McGhee and Big Bill Broonzy. When Elmore James recorded it in 1957 (Chief 7004), he (or Chief's owner, Mel London, who is credited on the release) supplied some of the lyrics that are most familiar today. ..."
YouTube: Tampa Red, Elmore James, Junior Wells Chicago Blues Band, Big Bill Broonzy, Joe Carter

The Jazz Loft Project: Photographs and Tapes of W. Eugene Smith from 821 Sixth Avenue, 1957-1965

"W. Eugene Smith sits at the fourth-floor window of his dilapidated loft at 821 Sixth Avenue, New York City, near the corner of Twenty-eighth Street, the heart of Manhattan’s wholesale flower district. He peers out at the street below, several cameras at hand loaded with different lenses and film speeds. His window faces east from the west side of Sixth Avenue. The dawn light begins to rise behind the Empire State Building and other Midtown skyscrapers looming over the modest neighborhood. Three musicians stand together on the sidewalk below talking and laughing. One holds an upright bass in its case, another has a saxophone case slung over his shoulder, and the other is smoking a cigarette. It is six o’clock in the morning; the temperature is a moderate thirty degrees. The musicians are going home after a night-long jam session. Smith snaps a few pictures."
Jazz Loft Project
Jazz Loft Project: Radio (Video)
NPR - Tales Of The Tape: Introducing The Jazz Loft (Video)
YouTube:The Jazz Loft Project: An Interview with Sam Stephenson


"This literary and cartographic exploration of Los Angeles reorients our understanding of the city in highly imaginative ways. Illuminated by boldly conceived and artfully rendered maps and infographics, nineteen essays by LA’s most exciting writers reveal complex histories and perspectives of a place notorious for superficiality. This chorus of voices explores wildly different subjects: Cindi Alvitre unveils the indigenous Tongva presence of the Los Angeles Basin; Michael Jaime-Becerra takes us into the smoky, spicy kitchens of a family taquero business in El Monte; Steve Graves traces the cowboy-and-spacemen-themed landscapes of the San Fernando Valley. Overlooked sites and phenomena become apparent: LGBT churches and synagogues, a fabled ‘Cycleway,’ mustachioed golden carp, urban forests, lost buildings, ugly buildings. What has been ignored, such as environmental and social injustice, is addressed with powerful anger and elegiac sadness, and what has been maligned is reexamined with a sense of pride: the city’s freeways, for example, take the shape of a dove when viewed from midair and pulsate with wailing blues, surf rock, and brassy banda."
Abandon All Despair Ye Who Enter Here (Video)
LA Mag
LA Times: LAtitudes navigates the histories and cultures of L.A.

Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise (2010)

"Strange can exist anywhere, but we have a habit of thinking only the maximal and unhinged-- Captain Beefheart, Basement Jaxx, R. Kelly-- are truly weird. How bizarre can the music of Philip Glass or Wolfgang Voigt really be? It seems contained, planned; the curio is the choice to be so on-keel in the first place. One of my favorite aspects of Nicolas Jaar's debut full-length, Space Is Only Noise, is how thoroughly it scatters this misconception. Space is leftfield electro-pop, far-flung and without reserve, but it is also patient, quiet, and small. Jaar is a Providence via New York via Chile producer. He is 21, he attends Brown University, and he already has several well regarded singles and EPs to his name in addition to running the Clown & Sunset imprint. Requisite hot remixes: check. ..."
Pitchfork (Video)
Nicolas Jaar interview: “Ghosts that appear inside the silence.” (Video)
YouTube: Space Is Only Noise (2010) 45:57

2013 September: Nicolas Jaar, 2014 January: Other People, 2015 May: Nicolas Jaar Soundtracks Short Film About Police Brutality and #BlackLivesMatter

Stowaways and Crimes Aboard a Scofflaw Ship

"CHIOS, Greece — The rickety raft made of empty oil drums and a wooden tabletop rolled and pitched with the waves while tied to the side of the Dona Liberta, a 370-foot cargo ship anchored far from land in the Atlantic Ocean off West Africa. 'Go down!' yelled a knife-wielding crew member, forcing two Tanzanian stowaways overboard and onto the raft. As angry clouds gathered on the horizon, he cut the line. Gambling on a better life, the stowaways had run out of luck. They had already spent nine days at sea, most of the time hiding in the Dona Liberta’s engine room, crouched deep in oily water. But as they climbed down onto the slick raft, the men, neither of whom knew how to swim, nearly slid into the ocean before lashing themselves together to the raft with a rope."
NY Times (Video)
Ninety Percent of Everything
The Disorder Of Things
Ghostly Ship Graveyards from Around the World

I still love Kierkegaard

"I fell for Søren Kierkegaard as a teenager, and he has accompanied me on my intellectual travels ever since, not so much side by side as always a few steps ahead or lurking out of sight just behind me. Perhaps that’s because he does not mix well with the other companions I’ve kept. I studied in the Anglo-American analytic tradition of philosophy, where the literary flourishes and wilful paradoxes of continental existentialists are viewed with anything from suspicion to outright disdain. In Paris, Roland Barthes might have proclaimed the death of the author, but in London the philosopher had been lifeless for years, as anonymous as possible so that the arguments could speak for themselves. Discovering that your childhood idols are now virtually ancient is usually a disturbing reminder of your own mortality."

2011 July: Søren Kierkegaard, 2013 April: Repetition (1843), 2013 December: The Quotable Kierkegaard, 2014 October: Fear and Trembling - Søren Kierkegaard (1843), 2014 December: The Dark Knight of Faith - Existential Comics.

The Feelies - Crazy Rhythms (1980)

"Even the cover is a winner, with a washed-out look that screams new wave via horn-rimmed glasses, even more so than contemporaneous pictures of either Elvis Costello or the Embarrassment. But if it was all look and no brain, Crazy Rhythms would long ago have been dismissed as an early-'80s relic. That's exactly what this album is not, right from the soft, haunting hints of percussion that preface the suddenly energetic jump of the appropriately titled 'The Boy With the Perpetual Nervousness.' From there the band delivers seven more originals plus a striking cover of the Beatles' 'Everybody's Got Something to Hide' that rips along even more quickly than the original. The guitar team of Mercer and Million smokes throughout, whether it's soft, rhythmic chiming with a mysterious, distanced air or blasting, angular solos. But Fier is the band's secret weapon, able to play straight-up beats but aiming at a rumbling, strange punch that updates Velvet Underground/Krautrock trance into giddier realms."
W - Crazy Rhythms
YouTube: Crazy Rhythms (Live)
YouTube: Crazy Rhythms (Full Album || 1980, Stiff Records)

Roma Street Art Tribes as Captured by Dioniso Punk

"Disorderly, discordant, and richly chaotic, these two videos are centered around the Italian street art paintings and artists whom you will recognize from our earlier postings on community/gallery organized urban art programming – but within the context of historical art publicly displayed, peoples movements, patronage, fascism, the classics. Dioniso Punk allows everyone to talk – neighbors, artists, organizers, curators, public philosophers, elected officials, psychologists, sociologists, entrepreneurs, posers, professors, historians, students, an opera singer, the petite bourgeoisie, international visitors and hapless puzzled opinionated locals. ..."
Brooklyn Street Art (Video)

Reflections on a Marine Venus - Lawrence Durrell (1953)

"Reflections on a Marine Venus, a very personal memoir by leading 20th century novelist Lawrence Durrell, explores life on a magical and enchanting island (Rhodes) right after World War II. It is about Greece when it was a demiparadise. But it is also about the distillation of life and experience, the savoring of all the exquisite pleasures, physical, sensual, and intellectual, available on one lovely island at one time, and that might still be there for us to discover in our own time."
Axios Institute
amazon - Reflections on a Marine Venus
Lawrence Durrell on Love, Life and No Escape
Where the Tigers Were: Travels Through Literary Landscapes

2011 December: The Alexandria Quartet - Lawrence Durrell, 2013 September: Villa that inspired Lawrence Durrell faces demolition, as Egypt allows heritage to crumble, 2014 August: Prospero’s Cell (1945), 2015 April: Bitter Lemons (1953–1956), 2015 May: Caesar's Vast Ghost: Aspects of Provence.


Wikipedia - "Ramparts was a glossy illustrated American political and literary magazine, published from 1962 through 1975. Unlike most radical magazines of the day, Ramparts was expensively produced and graphically sophisticated, effectively reaching an audience that may have been put off by the grittier "movement" publications of the time. ... The early magazine included notable pieces by Thomas Merton and John Howard Griffin, but one observer compared its design to 'the poetry annual of a Midwestern girls school.' Change was in the wind, however. Located as it was on the outskirts of San Francisco, the West Coast epicenter of 1960s explosion of opposition to the Vietnam War and anti-establishment counterculture, the magazine's orientation radically changed along with the world around it. ..."
NY Times: Back When Ramparts Did the Storming
NY Times: Scoop
NY Times: ‘A Bomb in Every Issue’
amazon: A Bomb in Every Issue
The Ramparts I Watched
YouTube: Team Video: Ramparts Magazine

Unfinished Stories: Snapshots from the Peter J. Cohen Collection

"Spanning the 20th century, the almost 300 found photographs in 'Unfinished Stories' depict a century of image-making by private photographers. 'A quick shot fired by a hunter without deliberate aim,' reads the original definition of a snapshot from the early 19th century. The term 'snapshot,' popularized shortly after the invention of Kodak’s box camera in the 1880s, came to describe photographs of everyday life using a handheld camera. Speedy new technology boosted the ability to create a visual diary, commemorating events and personal moments, road trips and holidays. Now, more than a century later, these once ubiquitous and now historic, silver gelatin photographs are rapidly being replaced by Instagram and other digital forms of photography, hence a new appreciation for such photographs. ..."

A Guide to the French Revolution

Henry Singleton, "The Storming of the Bastille."
"Today people all over the world celebrate the 1789 storming of the Bastille Saint-Antoine — a dramatic popular rebellion that sparked the French Revolution. But what was the French Revolution, how did it reshape Europe and the world, and what relevance does it have to the workers’ movement today? Here’s a short primer, lovingly compiled by Jacobin to mark the occasion."

2014 February: French Revolution Digital Archive

Barrington Levy - Love Your Brother Man: The Early Years

"Since acquiring Trojan's deep catalog, Sanctuary has done a very good to excellent job with the seminal reggae label when it comes to single-artist collections. With vibrant and informative packaging, a crucial track list, and some 12" mixes that are truly stunning, Love Your Brother Man falls into the 'excellent' category. Covering Barrington Levy's early years, what you have here is the blueprint for dancehall singing that held on strong up until the gruff badmen made things much more frantic in the mid-'80s. Levy took the standard roots croon and added a bouncy hiccup to it that emphasizes emotion and allowed singers a totally new, less mannered way to show off their skills. Levy made delivery much more important than pitch control; here, you can listen to how it happened. Slang-filled, feel-good numbers intermingle with righteous spiritual tracks with Levy's effervescence holding it all together. ..."
YouTube: Love Your Brother Man - The Early Years (Full Album)

Leviathan - Andrey Zvyagintsev (2014)

Wikipedia - "Leviathan ... is a 2014 Russian drama film directed by Andrey Zvyagintsev, co-written by Zvyagintsev and Oleg Negin, and starring Aleksei Serebryakov, Elena Lyadova, and Vladimir Vdovichenkov. ... Set in fictional town of Pribrezhny (shot in the coastal town of Teriberka, Murmansk Oblast), Russia, the plot follows the tragic series of events that affect Kolya (Aleksei Serebryakov), a hotheaded car mechanic, his second wife Lilya (Elena Lyadova) and his teenage son, Roma (Sergey Pokhodyaev). The town's crooked mayor Vadim (Roman Madyanov) has undertaken a legal plot to expropriate the land on which Kolya's house is built. Kolya attempts to fight back with the help of an old army friend turned lawyer, Dima (Vladimir Vdovichenkov). The narrative offers a grim outlook on dark and icy aspects of human nature and on modern fissures in social contracts, particularly ones found in the abuses of modern law. The film attempts to unmask the truth behind moral aspects of superficial friendliness, blind love and undeserved trust."
Roger Ebert
Guardian: Cannes 2014 review: Leviathan - a new Russian masterpiece
NY Times: Champion of the Lone Russian Everyman
YouTube: A film by Andrey Zvyagintsev, Andrey Zvyagintsev Russian Drama

Gentleman - Fela Anikulapo Kuti (1973)

"Gentleman is both an Africa 70 and Afro-beat masterpiece. High marks go to the scathing commentary that Fela Anikulapo Kuti lets loose but also to the instrumentation and the overall arrangements, as they prove to be some of the most interesting and innovative of Fela's '70s material. When the great tenor saxophone player Igo Chico left the Africa 70 organization in 1973, Fela Kuti declared he would be the replacement. So in addition to bandleader, soothsayer, and organ player, Fela picked up the horn and learned to play it quite quickly -- even developing a certain personal voice with it. To show off that fact, 'Gentleman' gets rolling with a loose improvisatory solo saxophone performance that Tony Allen eventually pats along with before the entire band drops in with classic Afro-beat magnificence. 'Gentleman' is also a great example of Fela's directed wit at the post-colonial West African sociopolitical state of affairs. His focus is on the Africans that still had a colonial mentality after the Brits were gone and then parallels that life with his own."
W - Gentleman
Fela Kuti: Music, Politics and Women
YouTube: Gentleman, Expensive Shit, Fefe Naa Efe

V. S. Naipaul - Guerrillas (1975)

Paul Theroux: "It is hard for the reviewer of a wonderful author to keep the obituarist's assured hyperbole in check, but let me say that if the silting-up of the Thames coincided with a freak monsoon, causing massive flooding in all parts of South London, the first book I would rescue from my library would be 'A House for Mr. Biswas,' by V. S. Naipaul. Apart from anything else, it would be immensely helpful when the water subsided, since it is one of the century's best fictional examples of a householder struggling against unfriendly conditions in a village--'a place that was nowhere, a dot on the map of the island, which was a dot on the map of the world.' The island is Trinidad, where Naipaul was born in 1932, and he has written about it with insight and compassion in many of his thirteen books."
NY Times
Naipaul's Guerrillas..."

2012 February: V. S. Naipaul, 2013 February: A Bend in the River (1979).

Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends

An Out-of-Doors Study, 1889
"Throughout his career, the celebrated American painter John Singer Sargent (1856–1925) created portraits of artists, writers, actors, and musicians, many of whom were his close friends. Because these works were rarely commissioned, he was free to create images that were more radical than those he made for paying clients. He often posed these sitters informally—in the act of painting, singing, or performing, for example. Together, the portraits constitute a group of experimental paintings and drawings—some of them highly charged, others sensual, and some of them intimate, witty, or idiosyncratic. The exhibition Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends, which opened at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on June 30, brings together about 90 of these distinctive portraits, including numerous loans from private collections. It will also explore in depth the friendships between Sargent and those who posed for him as well as the significance of these relationships to his life and art. ..."
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art: About the Exhibition
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Audio Guide
NY Times: Highlights From 'Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends' at the Met
Guardian - Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends review – invention, sex and sadness
amazon - Sargent: Portraits of Artists and Friends

Playing The (Baker's) Dozens: George Clinton's Favourite Albums

"Born in 1941, I expected that George Clinton's choices for his Baker's Dozen would span the decades and his own musical life; from his mother's taste in blues, to his formative years spent loving Motown and writing at the Brill Building, through to his psychedelic awakening and subsequent (and continued) genre experimentation. And although all of these periods come up during the duration of our chat, it is one single trip to the record store that characterises nearly half of his choices. At around the age of '29, maybe 30', Clinton purchased his sacred audio library, including records by Sly And The Family Stone, The Beatles, The Jimi Hendrix Experience and Cream. ..."
The Quietus

2009 January: George Clinton, 2010 December: Mothership Connection - Houston 1976, 2011 October: Funkadelic - One Nation Under A Groove, 2011 October: "Do Fries Go With That Shake?", 2012 August: Tales Of Dr. Funkenstein – The Story Of George Clinton & Parliament/Funkadelic.

Young Composers Series: John Adams, Michael Nyman, Paul Dresher, Ingram Marshall - February 5, 1979

Ingram Marshall – Fog Tropes/Gradual Requiem
"My head is still swimming from all the music I confronted at the New International Young Composers Concerts Series, sponsored by the Reich Music Foundation. At least half of the time the compositional level was extremely high, and many of the works reached into areas of musical style that have never been encountered by New York concertgoers. I don’t think it’s possible to fully process that much information in only a few days, but I can at least offer a few generalities and a few basic observations on four composers who were represented on these three concerts at the Guggenheim Museum, January 16-18. ..."
Tom Johnson: The Voice of New Music: New York City 1972–1982

2010 June: John Adams - Nixon in China (1987), 2012 September: Obscure No. 2: Ensemble Pieces – Christopher Hobbs, John Adams, Gavin Bryars (1975), 2008 April: Michael Nyman, 2010 August: Decay Music, 2010 December: After Extra Time, 2011 March: Experimental Music: Cage and Beyond, 2011 August: Michael Nyman Band, 2011 December: The Draughtsman's Contract - Peter Greenaway, 2012 March: Time Lapse, 2013 July: Composer in Progress, In Concert (2010).

The Rise of Sneaker Culture

"From their modest origins in the mid-nineteenth century to high-end sneakers created in the past decade, sneakers have become a global obsession. The Rise of Sneaker Culture is the first exhibition to explore the complex social history and cultural significance of the footwear now worn by billions of people throughout the world. The exhibition, which includes approximately 150 pairs of sneakers, looks at the evolution of the sneaker from its beginnings to its current role as status symbol and urban icon. Included are works from the archives of manufacturers such as Adidas, Converse, Nike, Puma, and Reebok as well as private collectors such as hip-hop legend Darryl 'DMC' McDaniels, sneaker guru Bobbito Garcia, and Dee Wells of Obsessive Sneaker Disorder. ..."
Brooklyn Museum
amazon - Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture
NY Times: Missing Sneaker Culture at the Brooklyn Museum
Vanity Fair: The 7 Most Museum-Worthy Sneakers
The "Rise of Sneaker Culture" Exhibit Showcases Some of the Rarest Sneakers in Existence (Video)
Slam: ‘The Rise of Sneaker Culture’ Exhibit (PHOTOS)

Tour de France 2015: Team Time Trial Win Bolsters American’s Shot at Podium

BMC Racing on their way to victory on stage 9 of the Tour de France
"BMC, the American team that includes the winner of the opening time trial of this year’s Tour de France, followed up by winning Sunday’s team event against the clock. The win by BMC, the reigning world champion in the team time trial, was tight, with the team beating Team Sky of Britain by a single second. But regardless of the margin, the result further elevated expectations that BMC’s leader, the American Tejay van Garderen, will be on the podium in Paris in two weeks. After Sunday’s ninth stage, van Garderen was in second place over all, just 12 seconds behind Chris Froome, Sky’s leader. ..."
NY Times
Tour de France: BMC win team time trial in Plumelec
Martin abandons Tour de France due to fractured collarbone
Tour de France: Stybar wins stage 6 on short, punchy hill in Le Havre
‘Cavendish has to prove that he’s still the fastest sprinter’ says team boss - (Video) Stage 5
Tour de France: Tony Martin wins cobbled stage 4 in Cambrai

Steephill: Live Dashboard
LeTour (Video)
Guardian: Tour de France 2015 (Video)

2008 July: Tour de France 2008, 2009 July: Tour de France 2009, 2010 July: Tour de France 2010,  2011 July: Tour de France 2011, 2012 July: 2012 Tour de France, 2015 July: 2015 Tour de France

The Jam - The Gift (1982)

Wikipedia - "The Gift is the sixth and final studio album by English punk rock/mod revival The Jam. It was originally released on 12 March 1982 by Polydor as the follow-up to The Jam's critically and commercially successful 1980 album Sound Affects. The songs were largely recorded during 1981 to 1982, assisted by Peter Wilson, and is generally regarded as the culmination of the smoother, more adult-oriented sound of the band's later work. It was one of the band's most successful studio albums, reaching No. 1 in the UK. ..."
The Quietus: Present And Correct: The Jam's Final Album The Gift Revisited 30 Years On (Video)
BBC Review
YouTube: The Gift (Full Album) 1982

2009 March: The Jam, 2011 December: Down in the Tube Station at Midnight, 2012 November: "Going Underground", 2013 January: In the City, 2013 February: This Is the Modern World, 2013 July: All Mod Cons, 2013 November: Setting Sons, 2014 January: Sound Affects (1980), 2014 December: Live At Bingley Hall, Birmingham, England 1982, 2015 March: "Town Called Malice" / "Precious".

Gustave Caillebotte: The Painter's Eye

The Bridge at Argenteuil and the Seine, 1885
"In 1875 Gustave Caillebotte (1848 – 1894) submitted a painting of floor scrapers to the jury of the Salon, the official exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris. The work was rejected, but Edgar Degas and Auguste Renoir admired it and encouraged him to exhibit with the impressionists. Caillebotte’s canvas, depicting shirtless laborers finishing a wood floor, became one of the sensations of the second impressionist show in 1876. Describing the picture in terms of its realism and modernity, admirers praised its 'truth' and 'frank intimacy,' while critics deemed it 'crude' and 'anti-artistic.' Caillebotte was thrilled by the impressionists’ fresh, radical vision. Over the next six years he participated regularly in their exhibitions, submitting paintings of the people and places he encountered in and around Paris. ..."
National Gallery of Art
NY Times: Review: Paris Is Reborn in ‘Gustave Caillebotte: The Painter’s Eye’
U.Chicago - Gustave Caillebotte: The Painter’s Eye

2014 April: Gustave Caillebotte

Nas presents the Real Hip-Hop – video

"Rapper Nasir 'Nas' Jones and director Adam Sjoberg take us on a world tour of breakdancing in the most unexpected places, as we visit the slums, shanty towns and ghettos of the world, where hip-hop really means something. With jaw-dropping breakdancing moves, b-boys and b-girls in Uganda, Yemen, Cambodia and Colombia give us an inspiring tribute to the uplifting power of music and movement"
Guardian (Video)
Nas Presents A Documentary About Hip-Hop’s Impact In Uganda, Yemen And Other Countries (Video)
Nas-Produced 'Shake the Dust' Shines Light on Global B-Boys (Video)
Shake The Dust (Video)
W - Nas
vimeo: The SlumGods of Mumbai: hope, hip-hop and the Dharavi way | Guardian Docs

Drawn + Quarterly Comics Enters a New Era

"Publishing houses, no less than people, have personalities. To be sure, certain large corporate presses have identities that are primarily mercenary, with catalogues consisting almost entirely of a mishmash of aspiring bestsellers. But among the smaller, individually run literary presses, the ones that nurture the books most likely to last, logos are marks of character. To see the emblem of a quality publisher on the spine of a book is to have a measure of its ambition and merit. From New Directions we expect strenuous modernist experimentation, from Farrar, Strauss and Giroux substance and style, from McSweeney’s mischievous playfulness not just in the words but also in the book design. ..."
New Republic

Oiseaux-Tempête - Ütopiya? (2015)

"ÜTOPIYA? not only continues their first album, but it extends it. The travels move this time to Istanbul and Sicily providing the food for its urgent energy and indomitable drive. While the structures still hint at moments of post-rock, they go further now, almost into the area of free-jazz yet without loosing a directness rooted in punk (highlighted perhaps by the presence of G.W.Sok from The Ex). In addition, the bass clarinet of Gareth Davis references both the roughest of experiments of Akosh Szelevényi and of The Stooges Fun House. There are, so the story goes, sea birds that reveal themselves only at times of approaching storms. This story though, is a little more complicated. For some, the pipers riding the deluge, yet for the mariner the prophets in the lingering final moments of calm. Thus, ultimately, are they the creator or created if the existence. ..."
Sub Rosa
a closer listen
Soundcloud: Ütopiya / On Living (feat. G.W. Sok)
YouTube: ÜTOPIYA? - Teaser 2, Someone Must Shout That We Will Build the Pyramids, Aslan Sütü (Santé, Vieux Monde!), Omen: Divided We Fall
YouTube: Live at Petit Bain, Paris 29012015

Pocket Sky Atlas By Roger W. Sinnott

"Perfect for experienced stargazers and beginners alike, Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas will have you exploring the heavens in no time. Sky & Telescope's celestial atlases are the standard by which all other star atlases have been judged for a half century. We raised the bar again with our Pocket Sky Atlas: the print version is the handiest detailed atlas around, easy to take on trips and use at the telescope thanks to its compact size, convenient spiral-bound design, and easy-to-read labels."
Sky & Telescope
Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas
[PDF] Pocket Sky Atlas

Return of the king

"What accounts for the persistent appeal of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (or ISIS) to recruits from Chicago, Bradford or Melbourne? This year, the question became urgent to commentators and policymakers in Europe and the United States. The group’s battlefield successes, its territorial ambitions and viral spectacles of cruelty were made only more ominous by the small but steady stream of recruits it attracted from wealthy democracies. Some of the proposed explanations have been familiar: the marginalisation and alienation of Muslim minorities in the West; a religious zeal that transcends the smallness of secular life; even the group’s thrillingly extreme apocalyptic vision. ... ISIS and its ideology are violent, reactionary, wholly at odds with the ethos of democracy and progress cherished by modern secular societies. But the myth on which its appeal hinges – and the historical dress-up it seems to engage in – is not as foreign as it seems. A lot of people like cosplay. ‘One of the Islamic State’s less bloody videos shows a group of jihadists burning their French, British and Australian passports,’ Graeme Wood reported in his lengthy study of ISIS ideology in The Atlantic this March. ‘This would be an eccentric act for someone intending to return to blow himself up in line at the Louvre.’ Apparently, these people actually want to live under a caliph. ..."

Pet Shop Boys - Thursday EP (2014)

"A second 'Thursday' digital EP will also be released on November 4th, alongside the original digital EP and CD singles. This new digital EP features remixes by Eddie Amador and Mindskap. The CD single and the first digital EP include the radio edit of 'Thursday', two brand new tracks - 'Odd man out' and 'No more ballads' - and a remix of 'Thursday' by the German producer and DJ, Tensnake. All three of these formats can now be pre-ordered at the links below. You can also view the music video, filmed in Shanghai, on VEVO."
Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys release ‘Thursday’ B-sides ‘No More Ballads’ and ‘Odd Man Out’. (Video)
Soundcloud: Thursday - Tensnake Remix
YouTube: Thursday ft. Example [Official Music Video], No More Ballads, No more ballads

2008 September: Pet Shop Boys, 2010 November: Pet Shop Boys - 1985-1989, 2011 January: Behaviour, 2011 May: Very, 2011 December: Bilingual, 2012 March: "Always on My Mind", 2012 August: Nightlife, 2012 September: "Where the Streets Have No Name (I Can't Take My Eyes off You)", 2012 December: Release, 2013 March: Pandemonium Tour, 2013 November: Leaving, 2014 April: Introspective (1988), 2014 August: Go West, 2015 January: "So Hard"(1990), 2015 February: "I'm with Stupid" (2006).

Indie 80s

Stranger Than Paradise
"BAMcinématek and Cinema Conservancy present this sprawling six week, 50+ film series spotlighting the independent films of the neglected decade between the golden age of 70s New Hollywood and the indie boom of the 90s. Exploring the textures of regional America and uncovering alternative histories to the supposed monoculture of the Reagan years, independent filmmakers of the 1980s offered up an edgy alternative to overblown Hollywood blockbusters and the straight-laced conservatism of the era."
BAM (Video)

The Collected Poems of Charles Olson edited by George Butterick

"A seminal figure in post-World War II literature, Charles Olson (1910-1970) has helped define the postmodern sensibility. His poetry is marked by an almost limitless range of interest and extraordinary depth of feeling. Olson's themes are among the largest conceivable: empowering love, political responsibility, historical discovery and cultural reckoning, the wisdom of dreams and the transformation of consciousness—all carried in a voice both intimate and grand, American and timeless, impassioned and coolly demanding. Until recently, Olson's reputation as a major figure in American literature has rested primarily on his theoretical writings and his epic work, the Maximus Poems. With The Collected Poems an even more impressive Olson emerges. This volume brings together all of Olson's work and extends the poetic accomplishment that influenced a generation. ..."
UC Press
Jacket2: For a Man Gone to Stuttgart Who Left an Automobile Behind Him
Poetry Foundation: The Kingfishers By Charles Olson

2009 January: Charles Olson, 2009 April: Rockport Harbor, 2010 September: Charles Olson: The Art of Poetry No. 12, 2011 July: Charles Olson: February 21, 1957, 2012 April: A Trip to Charles Olson’s Gloucester, 2012 June: In Which We Lather Our Sensibilities At Length, 2013 January: Mass.Charles Olson, 2013 May: The Maximus Poems, 2013 November: A Guide to The Maximus Poems of Charles Olson , 2015 March: "In Cold Hell, in Thicket" (1950).

Why Did Mechanics In New York's Worst Neighborhood Go On Hunger Strike?

"Sergio Aguirre is weak, pale. Sometimes he fumbles for words, and it’s not because English isn’t his first language. He’d been on a hunger strike, and hadn’t had anything besides water and tea in four days. We’re standing in the middle of his garage in Willets Point, an almost surreal corner of Queens. Most people, even some New Yorkers, have never heard of the neighborhood or are aware that it exists as a mass of dilapidated auto shops near the entrance to one of the city’s newest sports stadiums. When you show them pictures, on first glance they often ask if it’s in Brazil. They see the garbage-strewn streets – more rutted, soggy dirt pathways than anything else – and the corrugated metal buildings, more reminiscent of a favela than anything people tend to see in an American city. ..."

Wire - Pink Flag (1977)

"Wire were born at the dawn of punk, but they became the quintessential art band. In the three closing years of the 1970s, the English quartet had one of the greatest opening runs of any band, shifting to post-punk before punk began to go stale and forging three masterpieces in a creative furnace so hot it burned out by the end of 1980. ... Pink Flag was a fractured snapshot of punk alternately collapsing in on itself and exploding into song-fragment shrapnel. The record's minimalist approach means the band spends only as much time as needed on each song-- five of them are over in less than a minute, while a further nine don't make it past two. ..."
W - Pink Flag
YouTube: Pink Flag (Full Album)

2009 January: Wire, 2012 January: On the Box 1979., 2013 September: Chairs Missing (1978), 2014 June: 154 (1979), 2014 July: Document And Eyewitness (1979-1980), 2015 April: The Ideal Copies: Graham Lewis Of Wire's Favourite Albums.

Handiedan Sets a Pinup Tone for Wall\Therapy 2015 in Rochester

"Rochester, New York is the home of the Wall\Therapy festival and BSA is partnering with the team and Urban Nation (UN) to bring you coverage of the grass-roots mural festival for 2015. It will begin in a few weeks but the Amsterdam-based Handiedan got into town early due to being in New York for her show with Jonathan Levine Gallery. Her curvaceous pin-up girls and orientally adorned femme fatales from noir films and rockabilly imaginations intricately layered with patterns and designs from currency – sometimes it is all about getting that paper. In this case the paper in use is covering the facade of a beautiful brick building dating back to 1890 that was originally a church and later became a machine shop and home to the Rochester Community Players theater group for a half century or so."
Brooklyn Street Art

Books in the Films of Wes Anderson: A Supercut for Bibliophiles

"There’s something about Wes Anderson films that prompts people to get creative — to start creating their own video essays and supercuts exploring themes in Anderson’s whimsical movies. You can find a list below. The latest comes from Luís Azevedo, founder of The A to Z Review. ... or a detailed explanation of the video, bibliography, filmography and more visit this page. I would also encourage you to watch the book animation that Anderson himself created for Moonrise Kingdom, which sadly never made it into the film. Find it here."
Open Culture (Video)

2013 November: Wes Anderson Honors Fellini in a Delightful New Short Film, 2013 November: Rushmore (1998), 2013 Decemher: Hotel Chevalier (2007), 2014 March: Wes Anderson Collection, 2014 April: The Perfect Symmetry of Wes Anderson’s Movies, 2014 July: The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), 2014 August: Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009), 2014 December: Welcome to Union Glacier (2013), 2015 January: Inhabiting Wes Anderson’s Universe.

Elmer Nelson Bischoff

Buildings, 1969
Wikipedia - "Elmer Nelson Bischoff (July 9, 1916 – March 2, 1991) was a visual artist in the San Francisco Bay Area. Bischoff, along with Richard Diebenkorn and David Park, was part of the post-World War II generation of artists who started as abstract painters and found their way back to figurative art. ... While distinct from expressionist art that came from Europe, art of the Bay Area Figurative Movement displays the immediacy and warmth that one sees in abstract expressionist painting. Elmer Bischoff was older than Diebenkorn, and he had experiences in the world that led to his taking an independent turn in painting. Bischoff's quiet and lyrical paintings were serious in a different way from the painting which was being taken seriously at the time; and which saw the rise of Abstract expressionism."
NY Times: Review: Elmer Bischoff, ‘Figurative Paintings’
George Adams Gallery

Tartit - Abacabok (2006)

"Nothing is more evocative of the fascinating expanses of the Sahara desert than the music of Tartit, a Tuareg band consisting of five women and four men residing in the Timbuktu region (Mali). Unlike that other renowned Tuareg band, Tinariwen, Tartit play quiet, hypnotic, trance-inducing music: the women sit down, sing, and play cyclic rhythms on their tinde drums, while the men accompany them on string instruments, acoustic and electric. The men are veiled, the women aren't. Tuareg society is one of the few throughout Africa in which women are allowed to choose (and divorce) their husbands. Tartit have toured Europe (a.o. as part of the Desert Blues shows alongside Afel Bocoum & Habib Koite)."
Crammed Discs
W - Tartit
Robert Christgau
Dusted Magazine
dailymotion: A Take Away Show
Try Our New Player

YouTube: Chachare Akale, Ofous D'ifous, Tihar bayatin (Live)

Calvin and Markov

"I’ve spent the last few days building a random generator internet toy called Calvin and Markov. It generates random new weird variations on Bill Watterson’s classic, wonderful comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes, using a Markov chain process and a few hundred lines of Perl code. It’s a fun, odd machine to just play around with, but if you’re interested in how it works, I’ll detail that below, and include some thoughts on C&H itself and why I built this thing. ... People who know me won’t be surprised that I’m messing around with Markov chains; it’s one of my favorite little intersections of math and linguistic/artistic weirdness, a fairly simple way of analyzing the frequencies of events (like the order in which words appear in a bunch of written text) in order to produce new, novel, semi-coherent output. I’ve built a lot of little Markov-related things over the years. ..."

2011 January: Calvin and Hobbes, 2015 March: Bill Watterson talks: This is why you must read the new ‘Exploring Calvin and Hobbes’ book

Edith Lake Wilkinson

"Some time back in the early 60's, my mother was having one of those bored, restless days, visiting the in-laws in Wheeling, West Virginia. So she proposed to my Aunt Betty that they go up to the attic of Grandma’s old three-story house and see what treasures they could dig up. They found a couple of old trunks that had been sequestered there for years. They belonged to Uncle Eddie’s long-forgotten maiden aunt. No one in the family ever talked about poor Aunt Edith. She had been shut away in a mental institution for years and back in those days, that was just something that nice families didn’t talk about. But when my mother opened the trunks, she found dozens of Edith's light-drenched canvasses tucked in with her moldering clothes. This wasn’t the work of an amateur painter or a mentally unstable naïf. ..."
Edith Lake Wilkinson
Packed in a Trunk: The Lost Art of Edith Lake Wilkinson (Video)
Finding Edith Lake Wilkinson: After 90 Years, Provincetown Artist Returns

Henry Miller Interviews

"Henry Miller, author of Tropic of Cancer, was interviewed by Bradley Smith in 1969. This is an excerpt from those interviews... This is how Henry got the money to move to Paris..."
YouTube: Henry Miller Interviews - Episode 1: How Henry Got the Money to Go to Paris, Episode 2: First Impressions of Paris, Episode 3: Henry's Thoughts on Women
W - Tropic of Cancer
Reality Studio: Henry Miller and William Burroughs: An Overview

2010 March: Dinner With Henry (1979), 2011 December: Asleep & Awake (1975), 2013 April: Henry Miller, 2014 April: Henry Miller, Brooklyn Hater.

Odyshape - The Raincoats (1981)

"It's well documented that plenty of oddities were snapped up and issued by major labels during the grunge era, but the fact that DGC released four albums by post-punk artists the Raincoats (including re-releases of their first three records and the then-new Looking in the Shadows) remains a confounding footnote of that time. David Geffen clearly didn't swell his already sizable bank balance by reissuing the band's second album Odyshape, as it quickly became as hard to find as the original 1981 Rough Trade version. ... That feeling is partially shaped by the distinctly un-rock approach, with the core trio of the band (Ana Da Silva, Gina Birch, and Vicky Aspinall) occasionally utilizing African instruments including a balophone and a kalimba to get the job done. ..."
An interview with The Raincoats as 1981 album Odyshape is rereleased on We ThRee
W - Odyshape
YouTube: Only loved at night, "Go Away" and "No Side to Fall In", Odyshape, Shouting Out Loud, Baby Song, And Then It's OK, Red Shoes

Summer with Monika - Ingmar Bergman (1953)

Wikipedia - "Summer with Monika ... is a 1953 Swedish film directed by Ingmar Bergman. It sparked controversy abroad for its frank depiction of nudity and, along with the film One Summer of Happiness from the year before, directed by Arne Mattsson, it helped to create the reputation of Sweden as a sexually liberated place. The film made a star of its lead actress, Harriet Andersson. Bergman had been intimately involved with Andersson at the time and conceived the film as a vehicle for her. ... The film's story begins in the bleak working-class milieu of Stockholm. Harry (Lars Ekborg) and Monika (Harriet Andersson) are both in dead end jobs when they meet. Harry is easygoing, while Monika is adventurous, but they fall in love. When Monika gets in trouble at home, Harry steals his father's boat, and he and Monika spend an idyllic summer in the Stockholm archipelago. When the end of the summer forces them to return home, it is clear that Monika is pregnant...."
Criterion (Video)
NY Times: Bergman’s Bittersweet Ode to Youth’s Sunset
New Yorker (Video)
YouTube: Summer with Monika

Clifford Gibson

"While the music of artists such as Robert Johnson, Charlie Patton and Son House, to name the most obvious, have been endlessly dissected, analyzed and debated there are many artists of comparable talent who have been left in the dust. Clifford Gibson's name doesn't have the romantic glow of the above artists; he wasn't from Mississippi, didn't die young or lead a life filled with mystery, yet he left behind a small batch of superb, highly creative recordings that deserve wider attention. Clifford Gibson cut ten sides (four have either never been found or were never issued) in June 1929, four sides in November 1929, eight sides in December 1929 and two sides in 1931. In addition he did some session work and lasted long enough to wax a few scattered post-war sides in the 1950's and 60's.  ..."
Sunday Blues
Clifford Gibson discography
YouTube: Don't Put That Thing On Me, Old Time Rider, Tired of Being Mistreated, Blues Without A Dime (1929), Ice And Snow Blues, Sneaky Groundhog (1951), KEEP YOUR WINDOWS PINNED (1929), Drayman Blues, Bad Luck Dice (1929), Jimmie Rodgers with Clifford Gibson - Let Me Be Your Side Track (Take 2), It's Best To Know Who You're Talking To, No Success Blues, I Don't Want No Woman, The Monkey Likes To Boogie, Let Me Be Your Handy Man, Jive Me Blues, Society Blues

2015 Tour de France

"The 2015 Tour de France is the 102nd edition of the Tour de France. It started in Utrecht, Netherlands, on 4 July 2015, at 12:00 GMT. It is the eighteenth race of the 2015 UCI World Tour. It will be the sixth time the Tour de France starts in the Netherlands, after 1954 (Amsterdam), 1973 (Scheveningen), 1978 (Leiden), 1996 ('s-Hertogenbosch) and 2010 (Rotterdam). This is a record for a country that has no direct border with France.
W - 2015 Tour de France
"Every Tour route juggles economics, logistics, history and the need for enthralling racing. This year’s continues a recent trend: short mountain stages, mininal time trialling and more 'étapes pièges', 'pitfall stages' to catch the favourites napping"
Guardian: Tour de France 2015 Stage by stage
Guardian: Tour de France 2015: our team-by-team guide
BBC - Tour de France 2015: Geraint Thomas's stage-by-stage guide
Telegraph: Tour de France 2015: Stage-by-stage guide
NY Times: At the 2015 Tour de France, the Route Could Favor the Home Team

2008 July: Tour de France 2008, 2009 July: Tour de France 2009, 2010 July: Tour de France 2010,  2011 July: Tour de France 2011, 2012 July: 2012 Tour de France

Ricky & Doris: An Unconventional Friendship in New York City (with Puppets)

"Doris Diether is a former journalist and longtime activist in New York who is often seen strolling through Washington Square Park chatting with just about everyone. Ricky Syers is a musician and marionetteer who encountered Diether the first week he arrived in the park with his marionettes several years ago and was struck by her outgoing nature. He immediately created a puppet in her image and the two have since become staples of the neighborhood who frequently appear in photographs and interviews together. Filmmaker David Friedman made this great documentary short for AARP detailing the roots of their friendship and how they first met."
Colossal (Video)

The Atlantic Slave Trade in Two Minutes

"Usually, when we say 'American slavery' or the 'American slave trade,' we mean the American colonies or, later, the United States. But as we discussed in Episode 2 of Slate’s History of American Slavery Academy, relative to the entire slave trade, North America was a bit player. From the trade’s beginning in the 16th century to its conclusion in the 19th, slave merchants brought the vast majority of enslaved Africans to two places: the Caribbean and Brazil. Of the more than 10 million enslaved Africans to eventually reach the Western Hemisphere, just 388,747—less than 4 percent of the total—came to North America. This was dwarfed by the 1.3 million brought to Spanish Central America, the 4 million brought to British, French, Dutch, and Danish holdings in the Caribbean, and the 4.8 million brought to Brazil. This interactive, designed and built by Slate’s Andrew Kahn, gives you a sense of the scale of the trans-Atlantic slave trade across time, as well as the flow of transport and eventual destinations. ..."
The Enslaved - What They Endured
W - Slave ship
Aboard a Slave Ship, 1829
NY Times: Grim History Traced in Sunken Slave Ship Found Off South Africa
International Slavery Museum: Extracts from John Newton's journal
YouTube: Public Enemy - Can't Truss It

2012 April: Flash of the Spirit: African & Afro-American Art & Philosophy - Robert Farris Thompson, 2013 September: Slave Capitalism, 2014 April: 12 Years a Slave, 2015 March: The Life Of A Slave From Cradle To The Tomb.