Columbia Said It Had ‘No Choice’ but to Call the Police

Columbia University

"Exactly 56 years to the day after the 1968 student occupation at Columbia University was violently cleared by the New York Police Department, hundreds of police officers moved into the Manhattan campus on Tuesday night to quell a different kind of antiwar protest. A total of 109 people were arrested as police officers entered Columbia’s main campus, which was on lockdown, and cleared Hamilton Hall of a group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had broken in and occupied it the night before. It was a dizzying and, to many students and faculty, disturbing 24 hours on campus. Last time, students were protesting the Vietnam War and Columbia’s plans to expand its campus into Harlem. This time, students were protesting the Israeli offensive in Gaza that has killed about 34,000 people, according to health officials there, and trying to force the university to divest from companies with ties to Israel. ..."


California State Polytechnic University

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