Ancient Moroccan mountain music entrances festival crowd

"A hypnotic drum beat blends with ancient Sufi-inspired tunes in a tent in a Moroccan mountain village where local musicians regroup once a year when they don't play the world's top stages. The Master Musicians of Joujouka draw on centuries of local tradition with a hypnotic sound that captivated the 1950s Beatniks, the Rolling Stones' Brian Jones and fans everywhere since. The Joujouka collective has performed at top global venues from Paris's Pompidou Centre to Britain's Glastonbury Festival. But every spring, they like to play to a more intimate audience of only about 50 devotees in their village located 80 kilometres (50 miles) south of Tangier. Rolling Stone magazine once dubbed the tribal trance festival 'the oldest, most exclusive dance party in the world'. ..."

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