The End of Impeachment - Elizabeth Drew

"The worst thing that could happen to the power of the Congress to impeach a president and remove him from office appears to be happening now. If it hasn’t already occurred. It’s become politicized—in a way that robs what should be a solemn process of its seriousness, even its legitimacy. Impeachment may have already become defunct as an effective instrument for dealing with a crooked or out-of-control president. This is as constitutionally serious as one political party’s efforts to prevent a significant number of the other’s voters from casting a ballot in elections, which has in fact defined the outcome of races in some states. Each form of getting around the rules is a subversion of the basics of the American democratic system. ..."
New Republic
W - Impeachment in the United States
NY Times: The Law Is Coming, Mr. Trump
NY Times: It’s Mueller, Not Trump, Who Is Draining the Swamp
NY Times: How the Impeachment Process Works (May 17, 2017)

2018 March: Can Donald Trump Be Impeached?

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