The Hotel Chelsea’s iconic neon sign heading to auction

"The Chelsea Hotel in New York is auctioning off pieces of its history, including the iconic neon sign that has hung on the outside of the building since 1949. For culture fans with money to spend, there is a chance to own one of the letters are they are set to b sold one-by-one. In any photo of the hallowed hotel, its neon sign proudly proclaims its name. It became an iconic symbol for an establishment that has housed so many icons. Throughout the 1960s and ‘70s, especially, the Chelsea was home to some of the more influential names in music, literary and cinematic history.  ..."

Far Out (Video)

2010 October: Hotel Chelsea, 2014 January: Arena Hotel Chelsea, 2019 August: The Chelsea Affect - Arthur Miller, 2022 July:  ​‘Dreaming Walls: Inside the Chelsea Hotel’ Review: Bohemia’s Holdouts, 2022 November: Stop and admire the Chelsea Hotel’s beautiful iron balconies

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