Deities and disciples: Patti Smith at St. Paul’s Cathedral

"Before Patti Smith came on stage at St. Paul’s Cathedral, after everyone had milled about utterly awed by the surroundings, the priest came out and told us all to put our phones away; no videos, no photos until the end. This is my recollection, realistically more for me than for you. When I was about 14 or so, there was a book in HMV on sale for £4, and I liked the cover. All black with one single polaroid image, titled Just Kids. I bought it, and I read it. It sounds embarrassing, but every writer ends up having to say it: I’ve always been a writer. There has never been a moment in my life where I thought about doing anything else, but when I prepped to start GCSEs and actually began zoning in on a path, that singular desire was starting to feel like a curse as the confidence of childhood disappeared into a teenage doubt that maybe I’d amount to nothing and all of it would be a waste. ..."

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