Futuristic Dereliction - Alphaxone & Onasander (2024)

"In a meeting of the minds, Alphaxone and Onasander (Mehdi Saleh and Maurizio Landin, respectively) begin Futuristic Dereliction with dramatic pianoforte waves that are eventually joined by a background drone and synthesized beat structures. This first track sets forth the tone of the overall album – desolate post-apocalyptic soundscapes in which echoes of advanced technologies reverberate throughout the ruins. To that point, the second track, titled Time Fracture, employs rapid sequencer runs atop bassy drones. The following pieces, all in the 6-8 minute range, continue to use low frequencies to evoke haunting images of buildings in collapse and the metal-on-metal of failing machinery. Sculpted static, acousmatic sounds, and/or field recordings accentuate the mix. An overall dark airiness permeates the mood. ..."

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