Cuba: An American History - Ada Ferrer (2022)

"In 1961, at the height of the Cold War, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba, where a momentous revolution had taken power three years earlier. For more than half a century, the stand-off continued—through the tenure of ten American presidents and the fifty-year rule of Fidel Castro. ... Meanwhile, politics in Washington—Barack Obama’s opening to the island, Donald Trump’s reversal of that policy, and the election of Joe Biden—have made the relationship between the two nations a subject of debate once more. Now, award-winning historian Ada Ferrer delivers an ambitious and moving chronicle written for a moment that demands a new reckoning with both the island’s past and its relationship with the United States. Spanning more than five centuries, Cuba: An American History provides us with a front-row seat as we witness the evolution of the modern nation, with its dramatic record of conquest and colonization, of slavery and freedom, of independence and revolutions made and unmade. ...”

Ada Ferrer - Cuba: An American History

W - Mass media in Cuba,, W - Special Period, W - Maleconazo, W - Cuban thaw, W - Rationing in Cuba, W - Cinema of Cuba

W - Radio Havana Cuba, W - Freedom Flights, W - Cuban boat people, W - Mariel boatlift, W - Alpha 66

Fascinating Photos That Capture Everyday Life of Cuba in the 1970s

PBS: Cuban Exiles in America

Long View: How the Fight Against Castro Once Terrorized U.S. Cities

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