Buppies, B-Boys, Baps & Bohos

"March 17, 1992. It might have been when mobile DJs began rocking Kraftwerk’s Trans-Europe Express in 1977 or when WBLS’s slogan shifted from 'the total black experience in sound' to 'the total experience in sound' to 'the world’s best-looking sound.' Or when dressing down to dress up be­came the new Saturday-night aesthetic of high school teens. Another clue was when Richard Pry­or’s blues-based life experience humor gave way to Eddie Murphy’s telegenic, pop-culture-oriented joking. Neither you nor I knows exactly when it happened. But we know what happened. Over the last 20 or so years, the tenor of African American culture has changed. I came up on the we-shall-overcome tradition of noble struggle, soul and gospel music, positive images. and the conven­tional wisdom that civil rights would translate into racial salvation. ..."
amazon: Buppies, B-boys, Baps, And Bohos: Notes On Post-soul Black Culture - Nelson George

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