The Sculptor Who Reconceives Classical Myths

Yoko Kubrick sculpting at her workshop in Pietrasanta, Italy. At right is “Tides” (2019).
"To understand the ethereal sculptures made by the American artist Yoko Kubrick, you have to know your Greek mythology: The quarrels and trysts of those gods and goddesses inform her work just as they’ve inspired sculptors since the Athenian master Phidias, who, in the fifth century B.C., carved anthropomorphic statues of Zeus, Athena and their cohort in fine detail, from their flared nostrils down to their sandaled feet. Kubrick, who works primarily in Tuscany, uses the same milky Italian marbles and handwork techniques as her mostly male predecessors, but to experience her abstract pieces is less to stare into the face of the divine than to encounter three-dimensional renderings of divinity’s ineffable essence. ..."
NY Times
Yoko Kubrick
NY Times: Italy's Marble Mecca (Aug. 8, 1993)
Massimo Galleni - Sculptor in Pietrasanta

Kubrick’s workbench.

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