Greendale - Neil Young

Wikipedia - "Greendale is the name of an album, movie and graphic novel by Neil Young. As the twenty-seventh album by Neil Young, Young and Crazy Horse's Greendale, a 10-song rock opera, is set in a fictional California seaside town. Based on the saga of the Green family, the 'audio novel' has been compared to the literary classics of Thornton Wilder's Our Town and Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio for its complexity and emotional depth in exploring a small town in America. Greendale combines numerous themes on corruption, environmentalism and mass media consolidation into relevant post-9/11 art."
amazon: Greendale, Greendale 2nd Edition (Bonus Dvd), Greendale, (2004 - DVD)
YouTube: Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Greendale

2010 October: Neil Young's Sound
2012 January: Neil Young: Long May You Run: The Illustrated History

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