The moment Dennis Hopper shot a tree while high on acid: “The tree was a grizzly bear”

“During the 1960s, an increased interest in drug use, sexual freedom and progressive politics bewitched the youth, leading to the hippie movement. Dennis Hopper dove headfirst into the world of drugs and alcohol, but he knew that the optimism spouted by hippies was futile. His directorial debut, Easy Rider, captured the dying breaths of the era, starring alongside Peter Fonda as a motorcycle rider travelling through the freeing expanses of the USA. Unfortunately, the characters both suffer tragic fates, with Hopper pointing out the false promises set out by America, supposedly the land of the free. ..."

FAR OUT (Video)

FAR OUT: The 10 craziest Dennis Hopper stories (Video)

FAR OUT: When John Wayne threatened to kill Dennis Hopper: “Where is that commie hiding?” (Video)

Outrageous Dennis Hopper Stories That Prove This Man Had No Chill

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