Belliphonic Bodies: Soundscapes of the Invasion

Taken while recording the soundscape of Kuyalnik in Odesa.

"War is an extremely aural experience, with sounds entering into the collective memory of affected societies. Its violence can only be fully understood when its acoustic aspects are also taken into consideration. These can help foster better understanding and empathy with affected persons and societies, while also examining how sound can influence the way war is presented and remembered. Wartime soundscapes can be quite variable and also highly personal, encompassing far more than the sounds of weaponry; conversations, movement, and nature, as well as silence and the lack of sound all play a part. Digging into their experiences and artistic work, artist Elza Gubanova and artist/curator Leon Seidel explore the sounds of war in Ukraine through various lenses, in conversation with the Ukrainian artist Oleh Shpudeiko aka Heinali and the Ukrainian curator Natalia Revko. ..."

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