Feminism in Latin America

Ecuador, supporters of a proposed reform to the country’s abortion laws rallied around the slogan “niñas no madres” (girls not mothers).
"Feminism in Latin America is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and achieving equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for Latin American women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. Those who practice feminism by advocating or supporting the rights and equality of women are called feminists. Latin American Feminism exists in the context of centuries of colonialism, the transportation and subjugation of slaves from Africa, and mistreatment of native people. The origins of Latin American Feminism can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s social movements where it encompasses the women’s liberation movement, but prior feminist ideas have expanded before there were written records. With various regions in Latin America and the Caribbean, the definition of feminism varies across different groups where there has been cultural, political, and social involvement. The emergence of Latin American feminism movement is contributed to five key factors. ..."
The Nation: This Was the Decade of Feminist Uprisings in Latin America
5 Feminist Murals From Across Latin America

This mural adds a pop of Latina sentiment to traditional feminist iconography.

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