René Char (14 June 1907 – 19 February 1988)

Wikipedia - "René Char (14 June 1907 – 19 February 1988) was a 20th-century French poet and member of the French Resistance. ... Char's first book, Cloches sur le cœur was published in 1928 as a compilation of poems written between 1922 and 1926. In early 1929, he founded the journal Méridiens with André Cayatte and published three issues. In August, he sent twenty-six copies of his book Arsenal, published in Nîmes, to Paul Éluard, who in the autumn came to visit him at L'Isle sur la Sorgue. In late November, Char moved to Paris, where he met Louis Aragon, André Breton, and René Crevel, and joined the surrealists. ... Char joined the French Resistance in 1940, serving under the name of Captain Alexandre, where he commanded the Durance parachute drop zone. He refused to publish anything during the Occupation, but wrote the 'Feuillets d'Hypnos' during it (1943–4), prose poems dealing with resistance. ..."
Char’s Refreshing Poetry
Brooklyn Rail: René Char - Resistance in Every Way
Poetry Foundation: Poetry, March 1957

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