​A Crumbling Russian ‘Spyville’ Returns to Polish Hands

The abandoned former Soviet diplomatic housing complex in Warsaw. The city has seized the building and plans to turn it into accommodation for Ukrainian refugees.

“WARSAW — Soviet diplomats moved out of the hulking Warsaw housing compound more than 30 years ago. But some Russians stayed behind, sheltering until the early 2000s behind a fence topped with barbed wire from a city that, with the collapse of their empire, had suddenly become hostile territory — and an important intelligence target.A moldering, Russian pulp fiction paperback left behind inside the now derelict property, perhaps provides a clue to the preoccupations of the Russians who lived in the compound that was notorious since its heyday in the 1980s as a nest of spies: ‘Game on a Foreign Field.’ ...”

The complex, dubbed “Spyville,” was officially emptied of diplomats and their families when the Soviet empire crumbled in the late 1980s, but some Russians continued to live there until the early 2000s.

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