NY77: The Coolest Year In Hell (2007)

"Punk, disco, hip hop, the blackout, Son of Sam, Tony Manero, CBGB, Studio 54, Max’s Kansas City, Show World, Paradise Garage, cocaine, polyester and leather—1977 in New York City was exhilarating, a nightmare, fun, dangerous and never boring. It was the year I arrived in downtown Manhattan with a beautiful woman, no money and a rock and roll band. I hit the streets running and never looked back…unless it was to watch my back. I was living in the decaying Hotel Earle in the West Village when NYC went black. The power failure of July 13, 1977 knocked the city to its knees. I was sitting on the window sill of my room keeping cool or as cool as one could keep during a sweltering summer night in the city. ..."
New York City in 1977: A beautiful rock and roll hellhole
W - NY77: The Coolest Year In Hell
“NY77: The Coolest Year in Hell”: Creation from NYC’s July 13-14, 1977 blackout chaos (Video)
YouTube: NY77: The Coolest Year in Hell 1:40
YouTube: NY77: The Coolest Year In Hell 1:22:52

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