Art(s) in transit: Technology, aeshtetics, and the art of urban transformation in NYC

Fred’s soup cans, South Bronx, Martha Cooper, 1980
"... In January 2013, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York added the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s (MTA) 'Help Point' to their permanent collection. By this time, however, the MTA was no stranger to the world-renowned arts institution. The MTA’s metro-card vending machines previously graced the galleries of MoMA in the 2011 exhibition 'Talk to Me.' Coinciding with MoMA’s relocation of subway design into the locale of Andy Warhol, Jackson Polluck, and Mark Rothko was the launch of the MTA’s Arts for Transit App, a program that prompted the New York Times to declare that the subway is New York’s most 'underrated art museum'.”
Navigating Cartographies (Video)

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