The Legend of Rita - Volker Schlondorff (2001), Top 10 Berlin Wall Movies

Wikipedia - "Die Stille nach dem Schuß or The Silence after the Shot is a 2000 German film that was released in English as The Legend of Rita (the website IMDB calls this choice of title translation 'unfortunate'). It is an account of fictionalised exiled West German radical left Red Army Faction members, though the fictional characters all have close parallels to several real-life RAF members. After a brief overview of the initial bank robberies of the 2nd of June Movement with the distribution of chocolate kisses as well as a disastrous prison break at the Westberliner Prison, the group flees, via the Friedrichstraße train station, into the German Democratic Republic."
Roger Ebert
Top 10 Berlin Wall Movies
YouTube: The Legend of Rita (Trailer)
YouTube: The Legend of Rita 1:37:47

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