Bar Kokhba and Masada - John Zorn

Wikipedia - "Bar Kokhba is a double album by John Zorn, recorded between 1994 and 1996. It features music from Zorn's Masada project, rearranged for small ensembles. The Allmusic review by Marc Gilman awarded the album 4½ stars noting that 'While some compositions retain their original structure and sound, some are expanded and probed by Zorn's arrangements, and resemble avant-garde classical music more than jazz. But this is the beauty of the album; the ensembles provide a forum for Zorn to expand his compositions. The album consistently impresses'."
vimeo: John Zorn - Bar Kokhba & Acoustic Masada @ Jazz In Marciac 2007
YouTube: Sippur - 01. - Live '99 (Masada String Project), Bikkur - 02., Malkhut - 03., Meholalot - 04., Khebar - 05., Teli - 06., Kisofim - 07., Gevurah - 08., Paran - 09., Shihim - 10., Karaim - 11., Beeroth - 12., Kochot - 13., Lahum- 14.

2009 March: John Zorn
2010 August: Spillane
2011 October: Filmworks Anthology : 20 Years of Soundtrack Music 
2012 September: Marc Ribot

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