"In an interview collected in Ferdinando Camon’s Il mestiere di scrittore: conversazioni critiche (The Writer’s Craft: Critical Conversations), Italo Calvino described a dream for ‘a completely different sort of journal.’ This journal would be something more like the serialized novels of Dickens and Balzac, with writers working on commission on a wide range of topics and themes. It would employ the ‘I’ of Saint Augustine and Stendhal. ... At the Review, we’re fascinated by ideas for what magazines can be—no matter how outlandish. And so we were delighted when we came across Calvino’s four-page plan for a journal, from a typescript dated 1970, translated by Ann Goldstein and published below. It’s eclectic, wildly ambitious, smart but not too self-serious, and totally unrealized. What else could you ask for? ...”
2020 April: Invisible Cities (1972), 2021 September: Cooking with Italo Calvino - Valerie Stivers, 2023 January: The Written World and the Unwritten World