"The Beatnik Riot"

Wikipedia - "... On Sunday, April 9, 1961, folk music pioneer Izzy Young, owner of the Folklore Center (who had been trying to get permits for the folksingers) and about 500 musicians and supporters gathered in the park and sang songs without a permit, then held a procession from the park through the arch at Fifth Avenue, and marched to the Judson Memorial Church on the other side of the park. At about the time the musicians and friends reached the church, the New York Police Department Riot Squad was sent into the park, attacked civilians with billy clubs, and arrested ten people. The incident made the front pages of newspapers as far away as Washington, D. C.. The New York Mirror initially reported it as a 'Beatnik Riot' but retracted the headline in the next edition. These tensions did not die down for some time."
Dan Draisin: Sunday Bloody Sunday
NPR: How The Beatnik Riot Helped Kick Off The '60s (Video)
"Sunday" April 9, 1961

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