The Left Hemisphere - Dominions, Faculties, Predilections & Peoples

"This is a map of the left hemisphere of the brain, seen through the lens of a 17th Century Explorer. I have taken the broad functional areas of the left hemisphere of the brain and drawn them as separate continents, as if driven apart by shifting tectonic plates. These continents contain settlements and features with names inspired by the functions found in each particular brain area. The Great Age of Discovery, refers to a period between the 15th and 18th Centuries when Europeans explored the world by sea and 'discovered' new lands. Of course many of these countries were already occupied by indigenous peoples, but from a European explorer's perspective, they were brand new. The quest to understand the structure and function of the brain has similarly been a process of exploration and discovery - the territory is already there, science is our method of exploration and mapping. ..."
The Left Hemisphere - About (Video)
The Left Hemisphere
W - Age of Discovery

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