
"Does the world need another journal? Well, maybe one more. Do you need another journal subscription? Yes, definitely one more. Jacobin is launching Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy at a time of enormous tumult. The political order is being questioned on a scale we haven’t seen in decades. Neoliberalism, which only a few years ago seemed unassailable, has lost all legitimacy. Even while the revolt against it is still mostly electoral, there are signs of a reemergence of social movements, stretching across the globe. But at the same time the traditional parties of the Left, which were once the voice of mass protest, have largely been absorbed into the neoliberal order. Labor, once the torchbearer of progressive politics, is still largely dormant, in part due to its lack of organization, and in part owing to its own conservatism. ..."
Jacobin - Announcing Catalyst
Catalyst - Issues

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