9th Street Art Exhibition

Wikipedia - "The 9th Street Art Exhibition, otherwise known as the 9th St. Show, Ninth Street Show May 21-June 10, 1951 was a historical, ground-breaking exhibition. The show was hung by Leo Castelli, as he was liked by most of the artists and thought of as someone who would hang the exhibition without favoritism. It represented the New Art in the 20th Century. It was a gathering of a number of notable artists, and it was the stepping-out of the post war New York avant-garde, collectively known as the New York School. The opening of the show was a great success."
Abstract Expressionism by Gary Comenas
YouTube: 9th St. Show-abstract expressionism 1950s artists reminisce, Albert Kotin - Abstract Expressionism - New York School 1950s action, New York School: Pt 1

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