Dr. T's Music Software

"I founded Dr. T's Music Software in 1984. The Commodore 64 KCS was the first sequencer that offered event editing and open-ended composition structuring. This program evolved for many years, and eventually became Omega II, for the Atari, a sequencing packing with interactive editing, performance, and algorithmic composition features that are (to the best of my knowledge) unmatched in currently available sequencers. I left Dr. T's in 1993, suffering from a severe case of personal burn-out, and uninterested in the direction that the company was going in."
Dr. T's Music Software
Dr. T's Musical Workstation - From Random Thoughts to Finished Score
Dr T's MIDI-Ax
"A Short History of Intelligent Instruments" (1987) - Laurie Spiegel
YouTube: Tobenfeld's channel

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