78 78s: In Search Of Lost Time

"Made of ground stone mixed with carbon black and the secretion of the South Asian lac beetle, 78 RPM discs were the dominant sound-recording medium for a half-century. Nowadays, we often think of them as containing obsolete, rinky-tink pop tunes or loamy, backwoods roots music — which isn't wrong, but it isn't the full story, either. In the early decades of the 20th century, the major record companies scattered sound engineers and A&R men all over the earth to gather sounds from a staggering array of traditions that could be sold back to their communities."
npr (YouTube)
What Was Left Behind: Music of the Ottoman Empire
amazon: To What Strange Place : The Music of the Ottoman-American Diaspora, 1916-1929
amazon: Black Mirror: Reflections in Global Musics 1918-1955
City Paper: Distant Transmissions
YouTube: Marika Papagika - Bournovalia, Marika Ninou - Çoban Kızı, Konyalim - Rumca

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